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Tips & Guides

A Guide to Finding a Venue for the Perfect Sample Sale

19 Aug 20191m read

There are a number of components to the perfect Sample Sale:


First and foremost, you need people to be able to get to your sample sale, good transport Links are absolutely vital. In this era of congestion charging, ever higher parking charges, public transport is of paramount importance. 44 Hallam Street is within a 5-minute walk of 60% of all London underground lines, plus 3 main line stations.


There are countless unique and quirky venues out there, many can offer truly stunning facilities. For many organisers of greater importance is the knowledge that the venue can deliver what they promise, there is no better guarantee of this than knowing the venue has delivered before, ideally many times. Ask for references, use a venue like Asia House, not only is it stunning, they have hosted literally hundreds of sample sales.


As ever cost a key driver. Venue contracts are an absolute mine field, quite deliberately no two are alike, inclusions are never comparable, some venues charge VAT on room hire some don’t etc etc. Often its best to use a professional venue finding agency particularly one with long and deep experience booking in the sector. We would recommend the venue booker.


Use experienced professional suppliers, once again the best way to way to ensuring good footfall for your event is word of mouth. Shoddy subcontractors can and often have ruined an event, for catering we would recommend Hubbub Catering, they have recently catered for sample sales for the likes of Coach and Tiffany’s.

For more information, please call The Venue Booker on 0207 706 7711 or click on the below link:

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